C&G NVQ 2357

Electro Technical Technology

City & Guilds NVQ 2357 Level 3 Diploma in Electrotechnical Technology

If you’re a working electrician, but with less than five years experience, then the NVQ 2357 could well offer the best route to your Level 3 Electrical.

If you have more than five years experience then the NVQ 2346 may be the better option.

This qualification is available for Installation electricians at Level 3, the level that the Electrotechnical industry recognises learners as having achieved the knowledge, experience and competence required to carry out the role alone and unsupervised.

Successful completion and attainment of this NVQ – including the AM2 Practical Assessment – enables you to apply for your JIB ECS Gold Card.

This Diploma is the performance assessment of the NVQ and candidates should already have completed the knowledge assessment through either the City & Guilds 2357 knowledge units, City & Guilds 2330 levels 2 & 3 and/or City & Guilds 2365 Level 2 & 3 or EAL equivalent.

You can find more about what’s involved in this NVQ in the “What Is The NVQ Level 3 Electrical?” section on the Home page of this website.

NVQ 2357 Electrical Installation

This Diploma is the performance assessment of the NVQ and candidates should already have completed the knowledge assessment through either the City & Guilds 2357 knowledge units, City & Guilds 2330 levels 2 & 3 and/or City & Guilds 2365 Level 2 & 3 or EAL equivalent.

You can find more about what’s involved in this NVQ in the “What Is The NVQ Level 3 Electrical?” section on the Home page of this website.

NVQ 2357 Electrical Installation